The Art of Loneliness – Part 2

A girl is standing in the middle of the dessert. The desert is endlessly vast yet filled with nothing but sand. Not a soul to see, not an animal in sight, not a plant to soothe the eye. And the wind is whistling, blowing away sand with it. Her hair’s flying and her clothes fill with air. Her sandals partially submerge in the cold cold sand. She just stands there, motionless being swayed by the wind, like nothing exists around her.

That girl is me. Sitting in a room full of people, listening to some amazing chatter, and I could feel the room go silent in my head. They talked merrily, I smiled but inside of me there was wind whistling, blowing away sand with it.

Waiting at the traffic light, I breathe in the fumes filling the atmosphere, vehicles honking like they could blow up the vehicle in front to make their way home and my hands gripping the scooter handle waiting for the light to turn green. These sounds became slowly faint and I could feel the dessert wind blowing onto my face, in the middle of nowhere.

Sitting on the floor, resting my back on the cabinet, starring at the wall in front, in pin-drop silence. I could feel my feet sinking in the cold cold sand of loneliness.

It was scary! The silent wilderness! I wonder, can I ever master the art of loneliness?

There was someone else who walked into wilderness and wasn’t engulfed by it. JESUS.

Wrote THE ART OF LONELINESS PART 1 quite a few years back. Check it out.

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